The house

The House
The Castanea house exists in two original buildings, in the corner of the house Brända Tomten and at Kindstugatan 1. The two houses are built in the late 1800′s.

The property of Brända Tomten were built around 1747 by the Castle carpenter Master Johan Wollff. It was built four stories high, with tiled roof, two frontispieces and a “windlass” to hiss up firewood and other items. In our cellars there are remnants of mediaeval walls and a walled-in door that led to the basement in the building that existed before the fire.

The property at Kindstugatan has masonry from both the 17th and 18th century with remnants of a medieval masonry facade in the north-eastern part of the building. The facade was at this time fitted with thin plaster and pink with grey pilasters at the site boundary. The facade is the anchor end of 17th-century type.

The stairwell we use today was made in 1935. It replaced the staircase in the north. Elevators were installed, for both people and goods. The goods lift was closed in 1957 and the space was converted into archives. For Castanea’s guests it is now an appreciated luggage room.

The older staircase, in the south, with limestone stairs has an archaic character and patina, with a rich cultural value.

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